How to use


Semaglutide products shown on this website are identical to the base products used in

Dosage and amounts
The pens from the introduction packs contain 5mg semaglutide mixed with 1ml of bacteriostatic water. 

Therefore, each single click represents 0.01ml with 0.05mg semaglutide inside. As an example, if you need to inject 0.50mg semaglutide, you use 10 clicks or 0.10ml.


After steadily increasing the semaglutide dosage according to the dosing schedule, you can reach the most effective dosage for weight loss, namely 2.4mg per week. At this point, it makes sense to order the cartridge refills that have 10mg semaglutide inside instead of the 5mg ones. 


Please note that the 10mg semaglutide cartridges uses the same 1ml mixing water, effectively dosing 0.10 mg of semaglutide for each click of 0.01ml.


Side effects

Some users experience stronger side effects than others. The side effects can depend a lot on your insistence to keep eating even though your body doesn’t ask for food. Some of us just can’t help themselves, but rest assured, semaglutide side effects will discourage you strongly from bad eating habits.


Uneasy feelings in your stomach, nausea, acid reflux, sulfur burps, vomiting, days of constipation followed by explosive diarrhea, all these side effects can and will happen to most users until the dosage tolerance is reached.


Side effect hacks
Don’t eat too late at night. Semaglutide slows down gastric emptying and can lead to food yeasting in your stomach, which can lead to acid reflux and sulfur burps and vomiting.
For acid reflux you can use nexium 20 mg or omeprazol 40 mg
For sulfur burps you can use pepto bismol
Constipation and diarrhea can happen, there is no real solution for it
You will understand there are certain foods that will make you nauseous when you eat them. It’s seemingly randomly different for most people, it can be lamb or cucumber or any other food source.

Semaglutide and eating
As a heavier person that enjoys food and occasionally overeats, you will quite quickly understand how people without this continuous craving for food live their lives. Instead of checking the fridge for snacks after your second plate is empty, you will eat half your plate and wonder why you don’t want to finish it off.

Willpower and cravings

Semaglutide takes the classic guilt trip argument about willpower and achievement through suffering out of the equation. It’s just a lot harder for some people to eat less than for others and it’s too easy for those that don’t really understand food cravings to blame those that do have them for a lack of discipline and character. 
While using semaglutide, you simply don’t want to eat and the cravings just aren’t there. That’s actually a good thing and removing the cravings leads to a lower food intake and weight loss.


Healthy food, exercise and resistance training for maximum effect


It’s possible to lose a lot of weight using semaglutide, but you need to eat healthy, sleep well and exercise.

Semaglutide leads to indiscriminate weight loss and while it’s a lot healthier to weigh 50 lbs less, one should consider that resistance training will help you retain muscle mass and muscle mass retained through resistance training in turn leads to further weight loss. Especially after losing weight, it will be a lot easier to exercise. Visit the gym, improve your physique to leverage results from the semaglutide and achieve an overall healthier body as a result.

Semaglutide starter pack


The starter pack has 5 pens that each contain 5 mg semaglutide mixed with 1 ml bacteriostatic water. These 5 pens suffice for the first 5 months while building up your resistance to the maximum dosage for losing weight of 2.4 mg per week. 



Semaglutide is approved by the FDA for Diabetes with a maximum weekly dosage of 1 mg and for weight loss with a maximum weekly dosage of 2.4 mg.


While the choice of how much semaglutide to use is ultimately up to the user, there is a real correlation between the dosage and the weight loss result. You will find that at 1 mg maximum dosage weight loss will stagnate at certain level and its reported that some users break through the semaglutide food intake restriction and start eating more even though they use 1 mg semaglutide.


For continued weight loss, the 1mg dosage is a lot less effective than the higher dosages. Please make sure to listen to your body. If you are not deterred by the side effects of the higher dosage, you will find that using the maximum dosage of 2.4 mg will provide the best results. However, if the sides stay too strong on the highest dosage, it’s recommended to go down to the dosage that you can handle.


Pen 1 – 5mg

Week 1-4 0.25 mg 5 clicks

Week 5-8 0.50 mg 10 clicks

Week 9-10 1.00 mg 20 clicks


Pen 2 – 5mg

Week 11-12 1.00 mg 20 clicks

Week 13-14 1.50 mg 30 clicks


Pen 3 – 5mg

Week 15-16 1.50 mg 30 clicks

Week 17 2.00 mg 40 clicks


Pen 4 – 5mg

Week 18-19 2.00 mg 40 clicks

This leaves 1.00 mg in the pen for 20 clicks


Pen 5 – 5mg

Week 20 2.00 mg 20 clicks from pen 5 and 20 clicks from pen 4

Week 21 2.4 mg 48 clicks 

This leaves 1.6 mg waste in pen 5


Once you reach week 20/21 you need to order 10 mg cartridges for 4 doses of 2.4 mg per week 


Peptide Kings